ResiWeek 220: Technically Competent

Bjørn Jensen 637 Views

WhyReboot has a new network platform for Wi-Fi 6, and looking at Dante in the home.

The panel starts off with the recently published Residential Systems article, “WhyReboot Launches Wi-Fi 6 Certified Remotely Deployed Networks”, which outlines WhyReboot’s launch of its Ruckus Wi-Fi 6 Certified Access Point Program with its  latest 802.11ax Ruckus models as well as the company’s release of the Cumulus6 network package that includes both cloud access and analytics. The panelists, all of whom acknowledge that AV integration clients are rapidly realizing that their home networks are not up the task as we all currently work and learn from home, explore networking as a foundational tenet of AV integration; how AV dealers, both residential and commercial, can capitalize on the increased demand for more powerful residential home network, noting the ongoing political battle to have “connectivity as a basic right”; and, how the Cumulus6 announcement underscores how crucial remote management and access to home networks are, with the panel pointing to ways AV pros can approach mid-sized corporate businesses to provide what will likely become an essential service to their remote employees.

The original post can be found here, among other AVNation podcasts. 

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