WhyReboot Designed & Engineered the Network for Le Palais Royal!

Bjørn Jensen 1 View

Image courtesy of LATimes.com
Image courtesy of LATimes.com

Little did we know a few years ago when asked to design and engineer a network for a palatial estate in Hillsboro Beach, FL that it would end up being the most expensive real estate listing in the country, Le Palais Royal.  The listing is going for a whopping $139 million and knowing the tech that is inside of this home, is probably well worth it!  The LATimes wrote an article about it that you can read here: LATimes.com.  If you plan to install a large home automation system in a home and need help with the network design, please give us a call.  You won’t be disappointed.

Le Palais Royal is a dream home with all of the amenities one could ask for and a home automation system like no other.  There’s even an IMAX theatre!  Drawing inspiration from the Palace of Versailles in France, this home tops the former William Randolph Hearst estate for the most expensive public listing!


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