Tag: Savant

After the Fire, A Brand New Outdoor Audio System

Bjørn Jensen of the networking firm WhyReboot replaced his outdoor speakers with Origin Acoustics, but plans to use CEDIA Expo 2016 to shore up the rest of his audio system. With CEDIA Expo around the corner it’s time for me to start thinking about what I need in terms of shopping. Sure, CEDIA Expo is […]

Home Automation News Technology

Savant Wows with SmartView Tiling for Video Walls

If you had a chance to swing by the Future Tech Pavilion, powered by my arch-nemesis Access Networks (Like Biggie and Tupac we have an East Coast/West Coast thing going), you saw the Savant Systems’ SmartView app in all its glory. What would normally take hours and hours of programming, Savant — best known for […]

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